POLYTRONICS is the winner of the « Initial Network of European Digital Innovation Hubs » (EDIH) call for projects launched by the European Commission to support the digitalisation of polymer materials companies.

Polytronics aims to help companies in the plastics, textiles, composites and elastomer sectors to gain digital maturity by enabling them to collect and use Artificial Intelligence (AI) data from their products and manufacturing processes.

A product of the European programme “Digitising European Industry”, an EDIH is a group of actors whose aim is to constitute a one-stop shop, physical or virtual, to connect companies in their territories to the resources and ecosystems they need to succeed in their digital transformation.

Polytronics targets compagnies are one the following sectors : plastics – textiles – composites – elastomers and rubbers .

The EDIH services are depoyed according to 4 mail axes

Polytronics partners have positioned their service offering along these 4 axes, adapting it to the needs of polymer materials manufacturers:


These improvements will involve two areas of innovation:

  • Product innovation: Design and development of innovative polymer products, more intelligent, thanks to new functionalities, with printed electronics for example
  • Process innovation: Using AI to improve manufacturing processes, to have a better management of energy and resources, but also to increase product quality and reduce the rate of defaults.
Source Polytronics website


Researchers involved in Gemtex : 

  • Cédric COCHRANE 
  • Sébastien THOMASSEY

Start : 02/2022 – Stop : 


  • Polymeris – Techtera
  • Gemtex / Ensait – Université Claude Bernard – Université d’Orléans – INSA – ERISEM – Femto ST 
  • Elanova – Ifth – IPC 
  • Swarm – CRESITT
  • S2P Smart Plastics Products – ALTAIR – Mayfair village – Innovallys
  • CCI Bourgogne Franche Comté – Région Rhone Alpes Auvergne – Dev’Up Centre Val de Loire – CCI Auvergne Rhone Alpes – CCI Ain
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