Innovative junction solutions for COMPOsites and METALLIC materials

The junction of composite material on the metal structure can be achieved by gluing, screwing and, more recently, by laser welding. Given all these existing and emerging methods, fibrous reinforcement can be designed to better promote the integration of metal components and assist in joining the metal structure. Thus, the main objective of this project is to identify the fastest and most efficient technological solutions for assembling composite and metallic materials dedicated to transport applications. Innovative modeling and simulation approaches based on the compositional behavior of composite and metallic materials will be examined as well as experimental research focused on new composite structures and more specifically innovative fibrous reinforcements.

Period : 2016 – 2018
Keywords :
junction – composite – metal
Website : Compomet on Moveo
Partners : Up Tex , Moveo

Ensait contact : François BOUSSU

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