François RAULT
Assistant professor
- +33 (0)3 20 25 64 97
- Francois.rault@ensait.fr
- Linkedin page
Multifunctional Textiles and Processes Group
Assistant Professor – Section CNU 33
Research skills
- Materials Chemistry,
- Polymers,
- Nanomaterials,
- Material characterization,
- Textile engineering,
- Technical Textiles
Research interests
Theme 1: Development of multifunctional fibers by melt spinning or electrospinning (Fire retardant fibers, piezoelectric fibers, etc.)
Theme 2: Development of functional textiles by using knitting, weaving, embroidery or nonwoven technologies (smart textiles: energy harvesting textiles, etc.; protective textiles: sound absorbers, etc.; eco-materials, etc.)
Research links :
- Publications on ResearchGate: François RAULT | Professor (Assistant) | Ecole d’ingénierie et d’innovation textile, Roubaix | ENSAIT | Le GEMTEX (researchgate.net)
- Thesis: theses.fr – François Rault
- Google Scholar: François Rault – Google Scholar
- Orcid : François Rault (0000-0002-0495-2047) (orcid.org)
Web of Science : Rault – Web of Science Core Collection
- « TENERIFE » (2013 – 2015) (Projets émergents 2013 – Région Nord-Pas de Calais) – The project aims to develop piezoelectric tricomponent fibres that can be used in the design of energy-harvesting textiles.
Partners : : Laboratoire des Matériaux Céramiques et Procédés Associés (LMCPA – Université de Valenciennes et du Hainaut Cambrésis), Unité de Catalyse et Chimie du Solide (UCCS Artois) et le GEMTEX ; Centre Européen des Textiles Innovants (CETI).
Scientific Coordinator:
- « INTIMIRE » (2013 – 2013) (European Project) – The project focuses on the development of polyester and polypropylene fibres, films and finished cushioning products with flame retardant and/or fire-resistant character using the concept of intumescence.
Partners : IVGT (Germany), Texclubtec (Italy), Devan (Belgium), Inca (Sweden), Centexbel (Belgium), UP-TEX (France), IQAP (Spain), Mecacorp (France), Weber (Germany), CREPIM (France), Sander (Belgium), Luxilon (Belgium), Trisit (Germany), Clubtex (France)
- « TACTIL » (2019 – 2023) (ANR PRC)- Development of new photoactive fibers that can mechanically deform when subjected to light radiation.
Partners : Institut Chevreul (LASIR (Laboratoire de Spectrochimie Infrarouge et Raman – porteur du projet), UMET (Unité Matériaux et Transformations)), UML (Unité de Mécanique de Lille), IPCM (Institut Parisien de Chimie Moléculaire), ISCR (Institut des Sciences Chimiques de Rennes)
- « CONTEXT » (2019 – 2022) (ANR PRC) – The objective of the project is to develop smart textiles integrating radio frequency (RF) technologies and components for wireless communications around the human body (WBAN).
Partners : IEMN (Institut d’Electronique, de Microélectronique et de Nanotechnologie) , LEAT (Laboratoire d’Electronique, Antennes et Télécommunications) – Projet CONTEXT (iemn.fr)
- « LUMINOPTEX » (2017 – 2021) (European Project Interreg V) – This collaboration aims to design new smart textiles for autonomous ambient lighting.
Partners: CENTEXBEL (Belgium), IEMN (France), UMONS-CIRMAP (Belgium), UCL-ICTEAM (Belgium), MATERIA NOVA (Belgium) – Luminoptex – Description générale du projet
- « TESTE » (2017 – 2018) (Start-AIRR Project) – The project aims to develop a thermoregulatory textile structure for roof in building.
Partners: Laboratoire de Génie Civil et géo-Environnement (LGCqE – Université d’Artois)
- « AUTONOTEX » (2015 – 2020) (PIAVE Project) – The aim of the project is to develop and industrialize responsive and connected personal protective clothing and medical sheets.
Partners: Mulliez-Flory, Eminence, TDV, Nicomatic, Percall, CETI, Canoë, IEMN,Institut Mines Télécom, – Autonotex
- « FILAIRCO » (2013 – 2016) (FUI Project) – The objective of the project is to study multi-component spinning for the development of innovative and functional fibrous materials for air filtration.
Partners: CETI, Sperian Protection Armor, Mecacorp ; Mortelecque, Laboratoire Réactions et Génie des Procédés (LRGP), Pylote SAS, Robert Blondel Cosmétiques, Carpentier & Preux, Libeltex NTI, Arkema France
- He, Z.; Mohsenzadeh, E.; Rault, F.; Lewandowski, M.; Salaün, F. Energy Harvesting Solutions Based on Piezoelectric Textiles Structures from Macro Nano Approach BT – Electrospun Nanofibers: Principles, Technology and Novel Applications. In; Vaseashta, A., Bölgen, N., Eds.; Springer International Publishing: Cham, 2022; pp. 391–415 ISBN 978-3-030-99958-2.
- Mandlekar, N.; Cayla, A.; Rault, F.; Giraud, S.; Salaün, F.; Malucelli, G.; Guan, J-P. An Overview on the Use of Lignin and Its Derivatives in Fire Retardant Polymer Systems. In Lignin – Trends and Applications; Poletto M. Ed.; IntechOpen, 2018; Ch. 9. ISBN 978-953-51-3902-7
- Rault, F.; Giraud, S.; Salaün, F. Flame Retardant/Resistant Based Nanocomposites in Textile. In Flame Retardants; Visakh, P. M., Arao, Y., Eds.; Springer International Publishing, 2015; pp. 131–165. ISBN 978-3-319-03466-9
- Salaün, F.; Giraud, S.; Vroman, I.; Rault, F. A review of microencapsulation of flame retardant formulations suitable for application in polypropylene textile substrates. In Polypropylene: Synthesis, Applications and Environmental Concerns ; Nova Science Publishers, Inc., 2013 ; pp. 195–222. ISBN 978-1-62417-152-9
until september 2022
28 papiers published in peer-reviewed scientific journals
- Knitting technology
- Plastics processing techniques applied to textile
- Protection – Comfort : characterization of insulating materials (thermal and acoustical)
- Smart Textiles (Textile and Energy)
- Textiles and fashion
2018 – 2022: PEDR (Award for PhD students and research supervision) received annually from the French Ministry of National Education
- 2010 – 2015 : In charge for ENSAIT of Licence Professionnelle « Production industrielle spécialité Textiles à Usages Techniques ».
- 2015 – present : In charge for ENSAIT of Licence Professionnelle « Textiles INnovants » (DOMAINE : Sciences, Technologies, Santé / MENTION : matériaux et structures : gestion, conception et industrialisation / PARCOURS: conception et industrialisation de textiles innovants)
- 2014 – 2022 : In charge at ENSAIT of Internships for 1st and 2nd year student
- 2019 – present: In charge at ENSAIT for 3rd year graduation projects