Section CNU 62
Below are the list of selected ongoing projects that Manuela FERREIRA is a Principal Investigator (PI) or co-PI
MABIOLAC (2003-2007) – , (Production de matériaux composites biodégradables à base d’acide lactique). In addition to funding from the European Union (ERDF), the partners received co-financing from the Walloon Region (DGTRE), the Nord Pas de Calais Region and the company Galactic. INTERREG IIIa (France/Wallonie/Flandre).
NANOLAC (2007-2013) (NANOparticules pour la production de matériaux performants et biodégradables à base d’acide polyLACtique ) INTERREG IV (France/ Wollonie/ Vlaanderen) Partners : Materia Nova, ENSCL, Cousin Biotech, Amkey Management, Nanocyl
SINFONI (2012-2017) – National Project (PIA Funding) Sinfoni: «Structuring Natural fibre sector for material applications ». 23 Partners (19 industrial Partners and 4 academics). Position: Head of scientific Council, Member of Steering Committee, Responsible of one WorkPackage.
Sscuchy (2017-2022) European Project H2020-BBI. Sscuchy: «Sustainable Structural and Multifunctional Biocomposites from Hybrid Natural Fibres ». Partners : University de Franche-Comté, Pôle IAR, KU Leuven (KUL), University of Bristol, Chimie Paris Tech, Stockholm University, Ecole Nationale d’Ingénieurs de Tarbes (ENIT), AKZO NOBEL (AKZ) Netherlands, LINIFICIO E CANAPIFICIO NAZIONALE (LCN) Italy, TRÈVES (TRE) WILSON BENESCH (WB), EADCO Germany, NPSP BV Netherlands, ENSAIT, University of Derby, University of Bourgogne, Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Italy.
CIFRE ENSAIT-INDUO (2017-2020) Within the framework of the CIFRE thesis with INDUO (50k€), supporting the scientific work of Mr. Charles LANCERON (T5) that I co-supervised (C26; C31 and C34), I took part in the follow-up meetings with the industrial company, as well as in the writing of the progress deliverables for the ANRT (RAT/L2, RAT/L4)
TEXMOF (2019-2022) The thematic axis is nanotechnology in fundamental research (88 290 €). Work in collaboration with the DGA, Centrale Lille, UCCS and GEMTEX. I follow the resistance tests of MOF on textiles (abrasion tests), and participate in the progress meetings. Co-supervision of 3 students in the Sprint project (3rd year of the engineering cycle) from October 2021 to February 2022.
IGNIFLAX (2020-2024) Project on the fireproofing of flax fibres (33 438 € with a funding for GEMTEX of 9600€), in collaboration with UCEIV (ULCO), UMET (Univ. Lille, Centrale) and GEMTEX (ENSAIT). The project will start internally, I will follow the realization of composites from ULCO fireproofed fibres and their different resins and study the mechanical properties of the samples, I will co-supervise a student in end of studies projects from June to September 2022.
Flambard, S. Bourbigot, R. Kozlowski, M. Muzyczek, B. Mieleniak, M. Ferreira, B. Vermeulen, F. Poutch «Progress in safety, flame retardant textiles and flexible fire barriers for seats in transportation», Chapter of “Fire retardancy of polymers: The use of micro- and nano-sized mineral filler”, Edited by M. Le Bras, S. Bourbigot, S. Duquesne, C. Jama, C.-A. Wilkie et R. Delobel, Published by Royal Society of Chemistry, 88, Issue 1, pp 98-105 (2005).
M. Murariu, F. Laoutid, P. Dubois, G. Fontaine, S. Bourbigot, E. Devaux, C. Campagne, M. Ferreira, S. Solarski. « Pathways to biodegradable flame retardant polymer (nano) composites».Chapter 21 of: Polymer Green Flame Retardants: A Comprehensive Guide to Additives and their Applications, edited by C.-D. Papaspyrides and P. Kiliaris. pp. 709-773, (2014).
P. Ouagne, D. Soulat, P. Evon, S. Renouard, M. Ferreira, L. Labonne, A.R. Labanieh, E. Laine, E. De Luycker. Bast fibres: Use of flax fibre for high challenge technical textile applications. Extraction, preparation and requirements for the manufacturing of composite reinforcement fabrics and for geotextiles. Chapter 5 of Part 1 (Processing techniques for natural fibres) of Handbook of Natural Fibres, 2nd Edition, Volume 2: Processing and Applications. Ryszard Kozlowski Maria Mackiewicz-Talarczyk Editors, Woodhead Publishing, Published Date: 31 January 2020: ISBN: 978-0-12-818782-1
L. Ndoumou, D. Soulat, A. R. Labanieh, M. Ferreira, L. Meva’a, J. A. Ateba. Characterization of tensile properties of Cola lepidota Fibers. Fibers , 10, 6. (2022)
A.C. Corbin, D. Soulat, M. Ferreira, A. R. Labanieh. Influence of process parameters on properties of hemp woven reinforcements for composite applications: mechanical properties, bias-extension tests and fabric forming. Journal of Natural fibers, 19:2,714-726, (2022)
A.C. Corbin, B. Sala, D. Soulat, M. Ferreira, A. R. Labanieh, V. Placet. Development of quasi-unidirectional fabrics with hemp fiber: A competitive reinforcement for composite materials. Journal of Composite Materials, vol.55 (4): pp:551-564. (2021
Chaimae Laqraa, M. Ferreira , A. R. Labanieh and D. Soulat. Elaboration by Wrapping Process and Multiscale Characterisation of Thermoplastic Bio-Composite Based on Hemp/PA11 Constituents. Coatings, 11 (7), 770. (2021)
A.C. Corbin, F. Boussu, M. Ferreira, D. Soulat Influence of 3D warp interlock fabrics parameters made with flax rovings on their final mechanical behaviour. Journal of Industrial Textiles, Vol: 49, Issue 9: 1123-1144. (2020)
A.C. Corbin, D. Soulat, M. Ferreira, A. R. Labanieh, X. Gabrion, P. Malecot, V. Placet Towards hemp fabrics for high-performance composites: Influence of weave pattern and features. Composites Part B: Engineering, vol.181:107582. (2020)
A.C. Corbin, M. Ferreira, A. R. Labanieh, D. Soulat, Natural fiber composite manufacture using wrapped hemp roving with PA12. Materials Today: Proceedings, 2020, 31, S329–S334 (2020)
W. Zhai, P. Wang, X. Legrand, D. Soulat, M. Ferreira. Effects of Micro-Braiding and Co-Wrapping Techniques on Characteristics of Flax/Polypropylene-Based Hybrid Yarn: A Comparative Study, Polymers, 12, 2559; (2020)
I. Gnaba, F. Omrani, M. Ferreira, D. Soulat, P. Wang, P. Vroman, B. Jaouachi, Mechanical behaviour of flax/polypropylene commingled nonwoven at dry scale: influence of process parameters, Textile Research Journal, vol.89(5):791-800. (2019)
Baley, M. Gomina, J. Breard, A. Bourmaud, S. Drapier, M. Ferreira, A. Le Duigou, P. J. Liotier, P. Ouagne, D. Soulat, P. Davies. Specific features of flax fibres used to manufacture composite materials. International Journal of Material Forming, 2019, Vol. 12, Issue 6:1023–1052, (2019)
F. Omrani, D. Soulat, M. Ferreira, P. Wang. Effects of needle punching process and structural parameters on mechanical behavior of flax nonwovens preforms. Advances in Aircraft and Spacecraft Science, Vol. 6, n°2:157-168. DOI: (2019)
H. Lansiaux, A.C. Corbin, D. Soulat, F. Boussu, M. Ferreira, A. R. Labanieh. Identification du comportement mécanique de tissu 3D Interlock Chaine à base de Mèches De Lin. Revue des Composites et des Materiaux Avances, Vol. 29, n° 5 :305-313. (2019)
I. Gnaba, P. Wang, D. Soulat, F. Omrani, M. Ferreira, P. Vroman. Investigation about the Effect of Manufacturing Parameters on the Mechanical Behaviour of Natural Fibre Nonwovens Reinforced Thermoplastic Composites. Materials 12(16), 2560; (2019)
A.C. Corbin, D. Soulat, M. Ferreira, A. R. Labanieh, X. Gabrion, V.Placet. Amélioration de la Tissabilité des Renforts en Fibres Naturelles pour la Réalisation de Matériaux Composites. Revue des Composites et des Materiaux Avances, Vol. 29, n°4 :201-208. (2019)
A.C. Corbin, A. Kececi, F. Boussu, M. Ferreira, D. Soulat. Engineering Design and Mechanical Property Characterisation of 3D Warp Interlock Woven Fabrics. Applied Composite Materials, 25(4): 811-822. (2018)
Omrani, P. Wang, D. Soulat, M. Ferreira, P. Ouagne. Analysis of the deformability of flax-fibre nonwoven fabrics during manufacturing. Composites Part B: Engineering, Vol.116, 1:471-485, (2017)
F. Omrani, P. Wang, D. Soulat, M. Ferreira, Mechanical properties of flax-fibre reinforced preforms and composites: Influence of the type of yarns on multi-scale characterisations, Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing, Vol. 93:72-81 (2017)
A.S. Doumbia, H. Vezin, M. Ferreira, C. Campagne, E. Devaux, Studies of Polylactide/zinc Oxide Nanocomposites: Influence of Surface Treatment on Zinc Oxide Antibacterial Activities in Textile Nanocomposites. Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 132 (17) : 41776–86 (2015).
Marius Murariu, Awa Doumbia, Leila Bonnaud, Anne-Laure Dechief, Yoann Paint, Manuela Ferreira, Christine Campagne, Eric Devaux, and Philippe Dubois,“ High-Performance Polylactide/ZnO Nanocomposites Designed for Films and Fibers with Special End-Use Properties”. Biomacromolecules, vol. 12: 1762–1771. (2011)
S. Solarski, M. Ferreira, E. Devaux, “Ageing of polylactide and polylactide nanocomposite filaments” Polymer Degradation and Stability, 93(3), 707-713 (2008)
S. Solarski, M. Ferreira, E. Devaux, G. Fontaine P. Bachelet, S. Bourbigot, R. Delobel, P.Coszach, M. Murariu, A. Da Silva Ferreira, M. Alexandre, P. Degée, P. Dubois, “Designing polylactide/clay nanocomposites for textile applications: effect of processing conditions, spinning and characterization”. Journal of applied polymer science, 109, issue 2, pp 841-941 (2008).
S. Solarski, M. Ferreira, E. Devaux, “Thermal and mechanical characteristics of polylactide filaments drawn at different temperatures”, Journal of the Textile Institute, 98, 227-236 (2007)
S. Solarski, F. Mahjoubi, M. Ferreira, E. Devaux, P. Bachelet, S. Bourbigot, R. Delobel, P.Coszach, M. Murariu, A. Da Silva Ferreira, M. Alexandre, P. Degée, P. Dubois, “(Plasticized) polylactide/clay nanocomposite textile: thermal, mechanical, shrinkage and fire properties”, Journal of Materials Science, 42, 5105-5117 (2007)
S. Solarski, M. Ferreira, E. Devaux, “Influence of draw roll temperature on thermal and tensile properties of PLA filaments produced by melt spinning”, Lecture held at the “Fiber society spring conference 2005” Chemical Fibers International., 55, pp 180-182 (2005).
S. Solarski, M. Ferreira, E. Devaux, “Characterization of the thermal properties of PLA fibers by modulated differential scanning calorimetry”, Polymer, 46, 11187-11192 (2005)
S. Bourbigot, X. Flambard, M. Ferreira, É. Devaux,F. Poutch. «Characterisation and reaction to fire of “M5” rigid rod polymer fibres ». Journal of Materials Science, vol. 38 (10), pp. 2187-2194 (2003).
X. Flambard, M. Ferreira, B. Vermeulen, S. Bourbigot & F. Poutch. «Mechanical and thermal behaviors of first choice, second choice and recycled p-aramid fibers». Journal of Textile and Apparel, Technology and Management, vol. 3 (4) (2003).
S. Bourbigot, X. Flambard, M. Ferreira, F. Poutch, « Blends of wool with high performance fibers as heat and fire resistant fabrics». Journal of Fire Sciences, vol. 20 (1), pp. 3-22 (2002).
Flambard, S. Bourbigot, M. Ferreira, B. Vermeulen, F.Poutch. «Wool / Para-aramid fibres blended in spun yarns as heat and fire resistant fabrics». Polymer Degradation and Stability, vol. 77, n°2, p. 279-284 (2002).
M. Rochery, S. Fourdin, M.Lewandowski, M. Ferreira, S. Bourbigot, T. Leblan. “Study of fiber / binder adhesion in chemically bonded non – wovens « . International SAMPE Symposium and Exhibition, 47, 1755-1766 (2002).
M. Ferreira, B. Vermeulen, C. Veillat & A.Etancelin. «Production de fils de laine très performants». International Textile Bulletin, pp. 44-46, 5 (2002).
M. Ferreira, T.M. Lam, V. Koncar. «Non destructive testing of polyaramide cables by longitudinal wawe propagation : study of the dynamic modulus». Polymer Science Engineering and Science, vol. 40, n°7, p. 1628-1634 (2000).
M.Ferreira, T.M Lam, P. Labache « Tensile and Uniaxial Fatigue Behavior of Poly (p-Phenylene-co-3,4′- Oxydiphenylene Terephthalamide) Fibers: Relationship with Chain Orientation». Textile Research Journal, pp. 30–37, (1999)