Mohamed Medhat Salem

Mohamed Medhat salem

Associate Professor


Mechanics of Textiles and Composites Group

  • Assistant professor – Lecturer – Section CNU 60
  • Mechanics of Textiles and Composites (MTC)

Research interests

Theme 1: Forming of fibrous reinforcements (woven, non-woven, tows…) based on synthetic and natural fibers for structural and semi-structural composite applications. Identification and prediction of forming defects. Mechanical characterization of fibrous and composite structures by destructive and non-destructive methods.

Theme 2: Revalorization of recycled carbon fibers for use in composites. Use of carded and non-carded fibers in the re-architecturing of recycled carbon fibers.

Research skills

Composite forming, Textile forming, Material Characterization, Mechanical Properties, Textile Engineering, Composite Material, Mechanical Testing, Mechanical Behavior of Materials, Textiles Friction, Textile Design, Textile Composites, Full Field Measurements.


PUBLICATIONS : until June 2022


  • Yarn spinning technologies;
  • Mechanic of textiles
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