Chloé Magnan, award-winning doctoral student

The 10th edition of the Journée Régionale des Doctorants en Automatique took place in Boulogne-sur-Mer (62) in association with the Campus de la Mer research federation to become the Journée Régionale des Doctorants en sciences de la Mer et de l’Automatique (JRDMA) on 8 July 2024.

The Groupement d’Intérêt Scientifique en Automatisation Intégrée et Systèmes Humain-Machine (GIS GRAISyHM) brings together all the automation, computer engineering and signal processing laboratories in the Hauts-de-France region. Every year, in partnership with the regional doctoral schools, it organises the Journée Régionale des Doctorants en Automatique. This year, it has joined forces with the Campus de la Mer research federation, a multidisciplinary collaborative research structure dedicated to the sea and coastline in the Hauts-de-France region, to organise the Journée Régionale des Doctorants en sciences de la Mer et de l’Automatique (JRDMA2024).

The Groupement d’Intérêt Scientifique en Automatisation Intégrée et Systèmes Humain-Machine (GIS GRAISyHM) brings together all the automation, computer engineering and signal processing laboratories in the Hauts-de-France region. Every year, in partnership with the regional doctoral schools, it organises the Journée Régionale des Doctorants en Automatique. This year, it has joined forces with the Campus de la Mer research federation, a multidisciplinary collaborative research structure dedicated to the sea and coastline in the Hauts-de-France region, to organise the Journée Régionale des Doctorants en sciences de la Mer et de l’Automatique (JRDMA2024).

The doctoral students had the floor for over two hours to explain the content of their poster, with one particular request in their presentation: what is the current or future multi/interdisciplinarity in their research?

9 GEMTEX PhD students took part in the JRDMA on 08 July 2024 in Boulogne/Mer:

  • Thibault DORMOIS
  • Chloé MAGNAN
  • Marc-Junior NKENGUE
  • Ruolin WANG
  • Thi-Thuy-Van NGUYEN
  • Wen YANG
  • Mohammed JAYAT
  • Anastasiia SILINA
  • Timea BANFALVI

An evaluation committee made up of four lecturers and a doctoral student examined each poster in detail and selected four prizes from among the twenty-eight posters. Our doctoral student at GEMTEX, Ms Chloé MAGNAN, was awarded 4th prize for the best poster.

The winners of the best poster prize are:

1st prize: Andrialovanirina Nicolas from LISIC (ULCO) and LRH (Ifremer), for his poster entitled « Otolithe 2D et 3D de la structuration à la classification des poissons ».
2nd prize: Brahim Rim, from the Université Gustave Eiffel, for his poster entitled « Sécurité et Gestion des Passages à Niveau » (Safety and Management of Level Crossings)
3rd prize: Régnier Antoine, from the Food Safety Laboratory (ANSES) for his poster entitled « Analysis of the RESISTOME and MOBILOME of Vibrio parahaemolyticus isolated from fish and aquaculture products imported into France ».
4th prize: Chloé Magnan from the Textile Materials Engineering Laboratory (GEMTEX) for her poster entitled « Definition of criteria for the implementation of a decision-making tool ».
Chloé’s thesis is supervised by Ludovic Koehl and co-supervised by Maryline Lewandowski, Anne Perwuelz and Romain Benkirane.

Written by Ludovic Kohl

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