Chloé Magnan, award-winning doctoral student

The 10th edition of the Journée Régionale des Doctorants en Automatique took place in Boulogne-sur-Mer (62) in association with the Campus de la Mer research federation to become the Journée Régionale des Doctorants en sciences de la Mer et de l’Automatique (JRDMA) on 8 July 2024. The Groupement d’Intérêt Scientifique en Automatisation Intégrée et Systèmes…
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Dr Wang conference

Dr Humain Wang conférence Conférence Scientifique au GEMTEX Le 6 juin 2024 à 14h00 – ENSAIT, Amphi H – 2 allée Louise et Victor Champier 59056 Roubaix Title: Fashion digitalization: a novel framework combining 3D technologies and AI By Dr. Huamin Wang, Chief Scientist at Style3D Abstract: Borrowed from the computer graphics community, cloth simulation…
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New Junia’s PhD proposal

New Junia’s PhD Thesis Proposal : Multifunctional Hybrid Hydrogel-Fibrous Constructs for Wound Dressings (HyFiDress) Company and Presentation of the Subject JUNIA, a transitional school, is contributing towards major issues such as helping to feed the planet, developing digital and industrial transformation, accelerating the energy and urban transitions process, and improving technology for health and well-being.…
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Xianyi ZENG honoured with an Honorary Doctorate

Xianyi ZENG, director of the Gemtex laboratory, was honoured on 2 May 2024 with an Honorary Doctorate from the University of Boras – Sweden. The honorary doctorate is a mark of distinction offered by a university to a personality who has made his or her mark in a particular field, in this case textiles. The…
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Lecture by Prof Arzu VURUSKAN at Ensait

Associate Professor Mrs. Arzu Vuruskan from the University Izmir Economy will give a conference on the following topics (see below) on Wednesday May 15 at 2H00 PM in the Amphitheater A. She will stay one week at ENSAIT  Creating customized body forms in the active body pose for designing sportswear, Virtual fit of bicycle clothing…
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New collaborations between Gemtex and KITE – University of Toronto

On 6 and 7 May 2024, the KITE Toronto rehabilitation institute organised its annual « International Conference on Aging Innovation and Rehabilitation » ICAIR 2024. More than 800 participants attended. Vladan KONCAR, who conducts part of his research on e-textile structures for the medical sector in collaboration with the KITE Institute, was a member of the scientific…
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L’ENSAIT recrute un ATER 33-60 section CNU

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L’Ensait recrute un ingénieur textile projet ASTRID-MATURATION

Le laboratoire de recherche génie des matériaux textiles (GEMTEX) de l’Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Arts Industries Textiles (ENSAIT) développe des solutions innovantes dans le domaine du textile dans le cadre de projets de recherche (appel à projets nationaux, européens…) ou directement dans l’accompagnement des entreprises textiles dans leurs développement.  L’ingénieur(e) sera recruté(e) dans le cadre…
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ECG dry electrodes, associated connectors and antennas for soldier  At the heart of a dynamic and friendly urban area, Ensait offers an environment that is perfectly suited to the development of its staff and students. Every year, it trains nearly 400 engineers destined to become major players in the textiles of tomorrow: in the technical…
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 Au coeur d’une métropole dynamique et chaleureuse, l’Ensait, offre un environnement propice à l’épanouissement de ses personnels et étudiants. Elle forme chaque année près de 400 ingénieurs destinés à être les acteurs majeurs des textiles de demain : secteur des textiles techniques, des matériaux avancés, de la distribution, de la mode et du luxe. Les…
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