Dr Wang conference
Dr Humain Wang conférence
Conférence Scientifique au GEMTEX
Le 6 juin 2024 à 14h00 – ENSAIT, Amphi H – 2 allée Louise et Victor Champier 59056 Roubaix
Title: Fashion digitalization: a novel framework combining 3D technologies and AI
By Dr. Huamin Wang, Chief Scientist at Style3D
Borrowed from the computer graphics community, cloth simulation and animation technology have now been widely adopted by the textile and fashion industries to create 3D digital garments. However, this process can be painstaking and its value is sometimes questionable, often resulting in a significant amount of labor spent just to reduce the costs of sample evaluation. In this talk, I will explore the synergy between 3D technology and artificial intelligence. I will introduce a novel framework that combines these technologies—3D+AI. This approach not only makes the creation of digital garments more cost-effective but also expands their applications from inspirational design to e-commerce and virtual try-ons. Additionally, I will share the latest research developments within this framework and the progress of their integrations into Style3D products.
Dr. Huamin Wang is the Chief Scientist at Style3D (linctex.com). Previously, he was a tenured associate professor in the CSE department at the Ohio State University (2011 – 2021), and a postdoctoral researcher at UC Berkeley (2009 – 2011). His research interests revolve around physics-based simulation, with a specific focus on fast and realistic simulation of digital clothing by GPUs and GenAI. He has published over 60 papers at top CG venues, including more than 30 papers at SIGGRAH/SIGGRAPH Asia. He is the recipient of the Lumley Research award (2017) and the NVIDIA fellowship (2005). He has served on the technical committees of numerous conferences, and he has chaired the papers programs of CASA 2017 and SCA 2023. He has been an associate editor of TVCJ since 2020.
Dr.Wang earned a Ph.D. degree in Computer Science from Georgia Institute of Technology (2009), an M.S. degree in Computer Science from Stanford University (2004), and a B.Eng. degree from Zhejiang University (2002).
Style3D is a science-based company, dedicated to offering 3D+AI tools for creating, displaying, and collaborating on digital assets, propelling the global fashion industry’s digital and innovative evolution. Its main product is Style3D Studio, i.e. a 3D Garment Design Software combining cloth simulation and AI for a lively 3D fashion experience — a convenient and efficient journey into digital creation.