New collaborations between Gemtex and KITE – University of Toronto

On 6 and 7 May 2024, the KITE Toronto rehabilitation institute organised its annual « International Conference on Aging Innovation and Rehabilitation » ICAIR 2024. More than 800 participants attended. Vladan KONCAR, who conducts part of his research on e-textile structures for the medical sector in collaboration with the KITE Institute, was a member of the scientific committee.
As part of the conference, a stand was made available to Ensait / Gemtex to present our school and its various facilities for hosting foreign researchers and students.
Baptiste GARNIER, who graduated from Ensait in 2015 and is GEMTEX PhD since 2021, joined us. He has benefited from initial collaboration with the KITE Institute. He has been pursuing his research as a post-doctoral student since January 2023, and we were delighted to welcome him back.
In concrete terms, the three-day trip enabled us to:
- refine new research collaborations with the KITE Institute through exchanges of researchers in 2025 and the hosting by its director, Prof. Milos POPOVIC, of a doctoral student who will graduate from Ensait in January 2025.
- to meet Prof. Chris YIP, Dean of the Faculty of Engineering at the University of Toronto, and to set up exchanges for the international semester of our engineering students: several Canadian students will be able to join us for the international semester in 2025, and in return several students will be able to study at Ensait
- to approve Ensait / Gemtex’s participation in the next KITE Institute conference in May 2025, which will be twinned with the International Symposium on Fiber Science and Technology.
to begin setting up, with two representatives of the French Consulate in Toronto, potential support for all of those exchanges.
Over and above the development of these collaborative projects, we would like to sincerely thank all those who welcomed us with such kindness and warmth. Our special thanks go to Professors Milos POPOVIC and Hani NAGUIB.
For more informations, contact : Vladan KONCAR on his mail address and Marie-Pierre DELESPIERRE on her mail adresse