The Probiomesh Interreg project aims to improve the surgical management of genital prolapse.
This improvement is envisaged through the creation of new textile implants. These new implants will be semi-resorbable and will have mechanical properties perfectly adapted to the problem of genital prolapse.
In order to achieve these objectives, various transverse and cross-border actors have joined forces. These actors are the Centre Hospitalier Régional Universitaire de Lille, the Ecole Centrale Lille, MateriaNova and Centexbel. Between them, these four players cover all the fields of expertise (medical sciences, polymers and textile processes) necessary for the success of this project.
The great strength of this association, in addition to the different complementary skills of the partners, also lies in its cross-border nature. Indeed, thanks to it, actors from different horizons will have the possibility to meet, discuss and open new therapeutic paths. In addition, the results will benefit a larger number of practitioners and thus a larger number of patients.
Period : Jan 2018 / Dec 2022
Keywords : genital prolapse – knitted textile implants – semi-resorbable – mechanical properties –
Website : Probiomesh
Partners : CHRU of Lille – Centrale Lille – Materia Nova
Ensait contact : Aurelie CAYLA – Stéphane GIRAUD – Christine CAMPAGNE